发布时间:2023-06-28 21:47
义乌之最 Best of Yiwu 全国最大的内陆港,2010年出口标准集装箱57.6万只 The largest inland port in 2010, 576000 containers only 义乌是全球最齐全的小商品展示中心。 Yiwu is the world's most complete commodity exhibition center. 全世界拥有商品种类和数量最多的城市 The whole world has the type and quantity of goods up to the city 福布斯2005,06,07,08,09年中国大陆最佳商业城市,消费力指数位列中国第一 Forbes in 2005, 06, 07, 08, 09 years the best commercial city in China, consumption index ranks first in China 全国现金流量最密的县级市,浙江每天1/3的现金在义乌流通 The cash flow the most dense county-level city, Zhejiang day 1 / 3 cash in circulation in Yiwu 全国首个也是唯一一个在县级市设立海关的城市 The first and the only one in the county level city customs establishment City 全国首个进行水权交易的城市(向邻市东阳花2亿买水权) The first in the country to undertake water authority trades of the city ( the city adjacent to Dongyang to spend 200000000 to buy water ) 全国最现代化的智能火车站 (2006年投入使用) The most modern intelligent train station ( opened in 2006 ) 全国外商入驻最多的县级市,目前常驻义乌的境外人员超过13000人,2010年入境外商超42万,数量浙江第一,密度全国第一 The national foreign to most county-level city, currently based in Yiwu outside the staff more than 13000 people, 2010 entry foreign ultra 420000, number of Zhejiang first, density of the first 外商常驻机构数量在全国排第一 2010年12月,义乌的境外企业常驻代表处已达3008家,占浙江二分之一。 The number of foreign resident offices in the country ranked first in 2010 December, Yiwu foreign enterprise resident representative office has reached 3008, accounting for 1/2 of Zhejiang. 全国县级市最大的航空港, The largest airport in city of countrywide county class, 中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会在义乌设立全国首个县级办事处。 China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission in Yiwu established the first county offices. 全国外商上座率最高的义乌机场的境外旅客比例达40%以上。 The national foreign the highest attendance of the Yiwu airport less than 40% overseas visitors. 远东(除日本冲绳岛机场)最先进的战斗机场 于2005年 Far East (except Japan Okinawa Island Airport ) is the most advanced combat airport in 2005 全国唯一可以让外国人参加人民代表大会的城市 The only country to let foreigners in the people's Congress of the city 中东地区在中国设的最大贸易交易地 The Middle East in China 's largest trading transactions 浙江最先完全开发完成的商业城市 Zhejiang's first fully developed commercial city 全国最先进入“汽车时代”的城市 The first to enter the auto era of the city 汽车拥有量占全国县级市之最 The car has a quantity to occupy countrywide county level city most 全国豪车密度最高的城市 The car density is the highest in the city 全国人均私家车最多的城市,2008年底每百户家庭拥有私家车44辆 The per capita car up to the city, by the end of 2008 per hundred households owning a private car 44 义乌是全国最大的小商品出口基地。 Yiwu is the nation's largest small commodity export base. “全国第一个城乡一体化行动纲要”《义乌市城乡一体化行动纲要》 The first national urban and rural integration platform for action . Yiwu city urban and rural integration action. 义乌被游客评为浙江省最具吸引力的十大旅游目的地 Yiwu tourists in Zhejiang Province as the ten most attractive tourist destination 义乌被外商评为“我最喜爱的中国城市” Yiwu by the foreign trader named my favorite Chinese city 浙江省十大旅游休闲城市 Zhejiang ten Tourism Leisure City 义乌国际商贸城被国家旅游局授予中国首个AAAA级购物旅游区 Yiwu International Trade City by the National Tourism Bureau awarded China's first AAAA grade tourist areas 义乌是目前全球最大的小商品集散中心。 Yiwu is currently the world's largest small commodity distributing center. 被联合国,世界银行、摩根士丹利等国际权威机构联合发布《震惊世界的中国数字》报告中,义乌市场被称为“全球最大的小商品批发市场”。(中国唯一一个入选的县域经济体) By the United Nations, the world bank, Morgan Stanley and other international agencies authority issued China Digital shocked the world report, the Yiwu market was known as the world's largest small commodity wholesale market. ( Chinese only one selected county economies ) 美国专业调查机构(PRI)评出中国城市国际知名度,义乌与北京、香港、上海、杭州共同入选,排名十八 The United States professional investigation agency (PRI ) criticizes China city international visibility, Yiwu and Beijing, Hongkong, Shanghai, Hangzhou jointly selected, rank the eighteen 国际商贸城三期市场为国内最大单体建筑,超过首都机场航站楼 International Trade City three for the domestic market the largest single building, over the terminal building of Beijing Capital Airport 全国首个也是惟一一个被授权办理外国人签证和居留许可权的县级公安部门。 The first and only an authorized for visa and residence permit right of county-level public security department. 全国唯一可以对外籍居民有终审权的县级市 The only country to have the power of final adjudication of foreign residents to the city 全国首个开办涉外招生办学的县级市 The first in the country to open foreign school enrollment of the county-level city 义乌法院成为全国第一个县级法院可以审理专利案件的法院 Yiwu court to become the country's first county court the court hearing patent cases 义乌专利申请量和授权量均列浙江第一 Yiwu patent application and authorization are listed first in Zhejiang 广交会、华交会、义博会为国内三大经贸类展会 The Canton Fair, East China Fair, fair is the three largest domestic economic and Trade Exhibition 市场成交额连续20年居全国各大专业市场榜首 Market turnover for 20 consecutive years ranked the top professional market 义乌市场经营总面积400余万平方米,商位7万多个,是全球最大的购物中心 Yiwu market operating a total area of more than 400 square meters, to more than 7, is the largest shopping centre 义乌市场还发布了全国首个“市场信用指数” The Yiwu market has also released the first national market credit index 编制实施国内首个《小商品分类与代码》行业标准 The preparation of the implementation of the first domestic commodity classification and code industry standard 义乌国际会展中心浙江第一,华东第二,全国第三 Yiwu International Convention and Exhibition Center in Zhejiang, East China second, the third 中国权力最大县(义乌已有1000余项地级市权力中的618项) China's most powerful county ( Yiwu has more than 1000 prefecture-level city rights in 618 ) 中国最具潜力会展城市、最具魅力会展城市和最佳会展城市 The most potential Chinese Convention and Exhibition City, the most charming city and the best city convention and Exhibition 国际展览联盟中唯一一个县级市成员。 The union of international fairs in only one county-level city members. 中国第一个获得出国展览权的县级城市。 China's first access to exhibit the right of county level city. 国家级展会最多的县市城市;----义博会、森博会、旅博会、文博会, (浙江共有6个严格意义上的国家级展会,全国三分之二的省还没有4个国家级展会) National Exhibition most counties city; ---- Yiwu Fair, forest fair, fair, Fair Tour ( Zhejiang, a total of 6 strictly national event, 2/3 of the country's provinces have 4 National Exhibition ) 浙江省外来人口最多的县级市(本地人口74万,外来人口140多万) Zhejiang province the most populous county-level city ( the local population 740000, population about 1400000) 城镇居民收入最高的城市(2010年镇居民人均可支配收入35220元) The income of urban residents of the city ( the highest in 2010 the town dweller average per capita disposable income of 35220 yuan ) 全国县(市)支行升格为二级分行的第一家,工、农、中、建四大国有商业银行支行已全部升格为二级分行,国内首家国有商业银行在县市区域设立二级分行的城市 The county ( city) branch of the upgraded to two grade branch first, workers, farmers, to build four major state-owned commercial banks have all been upgraded into a branch of the two branch, the first domestic state-owned commercial banks in counties and cities set up two regional branches of the city 中国第一家在县级市开出的宝马4S店 China's first in the county level city opens the BMW 4S shop 县域商标综合实力位居全国第二、浙江第一 County trademark comprehensive strength ranks the whole nation the second, the first Zhejiang 新中国六十周年60大地标,义乌小商品城入选前十,浙江第一 New China sixty years anniversary 60 landmark, Yiwu small commodity city top ten, Zhejiang first 改革开放30周年全国十八个典型地区之一 30 years of reform and opening up the country one of the eighteen typical regions 改革开放30年来30个最受关注的城市 30 years of reform and opening up the 30 most popular city 全国首个也是唯一一个在县级市国家级综合改革试点,为第十个“经济特区”。 The first and the only one in the county-level city of national comprehensive reform pilot, Tenth special economic zone.
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