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发布时间:2023-06-28 21:29

reservation 动词形式是 reserve

I would like to make a reservation for a table. = I would like to reserve a table







拍卖中买房所定的保留价(也可以用reserve price,此时通常使用单数形式)。

我们之前还背过reservoir, 大家还记得吗?不记得的话,就去复习一下吧。

造句:We put a reserve of 3,000 dollars on the house.


to keep something for a particular purpose or time

If you reserve something such as a seat on an aircraft or a table at a restaurant, you arrange for it to be kept for your use.

the habit of not showing your feelings or thoughts

the act of keeping something or a supply of something until it is needed, or a supply that you keep

(also reservation); (US also preserve) an area of land kept in its natural state, especially for wild animals to live in and be protected

in sports, an extra player who is ready to play if needed

formal a feeling of doubt about someone or something

[usually singular] (also reserve price) the lowest amount of money the owners will accept for something being sold, especially at auction (= public sale



??????????预订酒店英语对话稿一 ??Scene:The telephone in Swan House rings.A captain(c) answers the call.


??C:Good morning.The Swan House.Li Ming speaking.May I help you?


??G:What time do you open this evening?今晚你们什么时候营业。

??C:We open at six thirty, madam.And we take the last orders at ten thirty.


??G:Well, I’d like to reserve a table for four this evening.


??C:Yes,madam.What time would you like to have your table?


??G:About seven,I think.我想大约7点吧。

??C:A table for four at seven this evening.May I have your name,madam?


??G:Leavens,Mary Leavens.

??C:Thank you,Mrs Leavens.We lood forward to having you this evening.

??谢谢,Mrs Leavens。我们期待今晚你的到来。

??G:Oh, one more thing.Any chance of a table by the window?We’d like to enjoy the night view of Shanghai.


??C:I see. Leave it to me.We will try our best.Is there anything else I can for you?



??C:Good-bye,Mrs Leavens.And have g good day.

??再见Mrs Leavens。玩得愉快。

??????????预订酒店英语对话稿二 ??Front Desk: Royal Hotel, can I help you?


??John: Yes. I need a room for three days from May 2 to May 4. Do you have any vacancies?


??Front Desk: Yes, we have. What kind of room would you like?


??John: I'd like a suite with an ocean view, please.


??Front Desk: No problem, sir.


??John: How much will that be?


??Front Desk: It's RMB 400 per night.


??John: That's a little high. I'm told your hotel is offering a discount now.


??Front Desk: Yes, we were, but the offer ended yesterday. I'm sorry.


??John: Oh, I see. Then do you have anything less expensive?


??Front Desk: No, sir. This is the least expensive suite we have at the moment.


??John: OK, I'll take it. By the way, does the price include breakfast?


??Front Desk: Yes, it does. Now could I have your name, please?


??John: My name is John Deep.

??约翰:我叫John Deep。

??Front Desk: Would you kindly spell that for me?


??John: That is J-o-h-n D-e-e-p.

??约翰:J-o-h-n D-e-e-p.

??Front Desk: Thank you. How many nights would you like to stay?


??John: Three nights, from May 2 .


??Front Desk: Certainly, sir. Our check-in time is after 1:00pm. We look forward to seeing you.


??John: Thank you.


??????????预订酒店英语对话稿三 ??Receptionist:―Good afternoon, Santa Hotel. May I help you?


??Mrs Ryefield:―Yes. I′d like to book a room, please.


??Receptionist:―Certainly. When would you like to have the room madam?


??Mrs Ryefield:―3rd of March.


??Receptionist:―How long will you be staying?


??Mrs Ryefield:―Three nights.


??Receptionist:―What kind of room would you like, madam?


??Mrs Ryefield:―Er... Double room. I′d appreciate it if you could give me a room with a view over the lake.


??Receptionist:―Certainly, madam. I′ll just check what we have available. . . I am so sorry, we do not have double room available on 3rd of March, but we do have king size room available with a really splendid view. Would you mind having a king size room instead of double room?


??Mrs Ryefield:―How much is the charge of king size room per night?


??Receptionist:―It is 680 RMB per night.


??Mrs Ryefield:―Well not bad. I would like to have one then.


??Receptionist:―Great. Would you like breakfast?


??Mrs Ryefield:―No, thanks.


??Receptionist:―Who′s the booking for, please, madam?


??Mrs Ryefield:―Mr and Mrs Ryefield, that′s R-Y-E-F-I-E-L-D.


??Receptionist:―Okay, let me make sure I got that: Mr and Mrs Ryefield. king size room for March of 3rd, 4th and 5th. Is that correct?


??Mrs Ryefield:―Yes it is. Thank you.


??Receptionist:―You are very welcome. Is there anything I can help you with?


??Mrs Ryefield: - I guess that's all for now.


??Receptionist: Thank you for choosing Santa Hotel and have a nice day. Goodbye.


??Mrs Ryefield:―Goodbye!


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